Working with wildlife is as rewarding as it is frustrating and heart-breaking. Imagine the joy of bottle feeding a baby raccoon or experiencing a successful release to the wild. Imagine the frustration of having a litter pan spilled within minutes of cleaning a cage or having a baby animal soil or wet your shirt. Imagine the heart-break of euthanization or an outbreak of distemper. If you are critter compassionate, not afraid to work, eager to learn and can be available when the animals need you most, then wildlife rehabilitation may be for you and is an activity that relatively few people get to experience.
STEP 1 - Register to take the test
New York State sdministers a test twice a year; either the 1st or the 2nd Friday of April and the 1st or 2nd Friday of August. The next wildlife rehabilitator exam will be April 6 or 13, with a sign up deadline of March 15. To reserve a seat for the test, you will need to send in the registration form below.
Click on the Form Icon below to get the Wildlife Rehabilitator Exam Registration Form (PDF) You will be able to type in the information, print it out and save it on your hard drive.
It can be mailed, e-mailed or fax'd to the DEC. The instructions are on the form.
STEP 2 - Prepare for the Test
You will want to download the Wildlife Rehabilitator Exam Study Guide (PDF)
Click on the Study Guide Icon below to get the Study Guide
After you open the file, Hover your mouse at the bottom of the guide to see the controls to print or download the Guide
STEP 3 - Practice to take the test
You will want to download the Wildlife Rehabilitator Practice Examination Booklet
Click on the Practice Test Guide Icon below to get the Practice Test Book.
After you open the file, Hover your mouse at the bottom of the book to see the controls to print or download the book
AFTER THE TEST it will take about two weeks to receive the results. You will also receive additional instructions and the license application form.
That's all there is to it..... unless you want to work with rabies vector species (raccoons, skunks, bats). To work with Rabies Vector Species (RVS) you will have to get Pre-exposure rabies vaccination and also attend a RVS class. The RVS class for 2017 will be in Binghamton on November 10.